Reviews For Survival Play
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Reviewer: Erin Moriarty Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Sep 2014 01:41 Title: Chapter 8: Hail Mary

"Meanwhile, she had never been so grateful for the suit’s toileting system." - Oh my God, I just died.

Good to see that Schmidt has SOME semblance of a heart... or at least fakes it well.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Sep 2014 17:09 Title: Chapter 8: Hail Mary

Look at her go! There's no stopping her now. Even Schmidt has to admit he's impressed with her tenacity. My money is on her making it all the way to Alert.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Sep 2014 23:01 Title: Chapter 8: Hail Mary

Well it getting to the real serious stage where Maren stubbornness might get her through the test but at what cost?

Good to see Schmidt isn’t a full sadist and does have a human side somewhere inside. I do kind of wonder what his back-story is; especially that final line “That her recklessness could very well get her killed someday?” seems telling.

I think three stun polar bears was a shock for the observation crew and long with Maren reduce airflow to try and make Alert before sun down.

As always you’re done a fine job and I like that you’re how you keep me engrossed in these characters and their collective tales.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Sep 2014 05:49 Title: Chapter 8: Hail Mary

Go Maren! And, no, Schmidt, you don't get to look all wise here at the end. You are a sadistic prick. Maybe you're right, but you're still a sadistic prick. Point. Game. Match.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Sep 2014 05:05 Title: Chapter 8: Hail Mary

At least Schmidt is figuring out that he's gone too far. There's hope for him yet. Didn't know about the Augment piece, although that explains a lot.

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