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Reviewer: Erin Moriarty Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Sep 2014 01:31 Title: Chapter 6: Breakfast at Tellarite's

Yeesh, it keeps getting worse for Icheb, doesn't it? I must admit I found the Tellarite flirtations to be positively hilarious. The mental image of John trying to beat off that waitress after she sees the tip is quite funny.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Sep 2014 16:53 Title: Chapter 6: Breakfast at Tellarite's

Tough spot to be in for Icheb, no doubt. Not sure if John was any help, his suggestion seemed a bit extreme but perhaps it's their only choice if they want a future together in Starfleet. Unless Icheb is cooking up something else in that big Borg brain of his.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Sep 2014 21:35 Title: Chapter 6: Breakfast at Tellarite's

Lol John being a perfect flirt with the Tellarite waitress wouldn’t be surprise if she ends up as JQ next girlfriend, that be a thanks for the introduction story for Maren not to hear.

Well good to see Icheb being aware of the situation he got himself into, interesting choice of an answer from JQ to avoid detection. It will be interested to see what Icheb does next.

As always a easy to read chapter with two very engaging and believable characters.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Sep 2014 20:22 Title: Chapter 6: Breakfast at Tellarite's

The back and forth between John and the Tellarite was brilliant, just what you would expect from JQ. Added to the little comment about not being able to convince the perfect girl and you have a perfect encapsulation of who JQ is. Although the thing about helping Schmidt, while logical, is definitely a little cold! Can't wait to see what Icheb does next!

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Sep 2014 16:01 Title: Chapter 6: Breakfast at Tellarite's

Ah, JQ. Always good for down-to-earth advice and wisdom. He's right here about Schmidt and, more than anything, the chapter was a nice break in the tension with the Tellartite cafe (and the Breakfast at Tiffany's reference in the title). JQ would marry a Tellarite if she looked like an Orion slave girl. The personality works for him, the looks not so much.

As for Icheb, I hope he doesn't make things worse for Maren. I don't think he could do that to her.

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