Reviews For Survival Play
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Reviewer: Erin Moriarty Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Sep 2014 01:04 Title: Chapter 3: Moving Too Fast

I love that they've turned this whole thing into a spectator sport. Then again, I have also been known to watch people compete at video games on YouTube, so I'm kind of an enormous nerd. I can't help feeling like there's something far worse than just the temperature and the storm in Maren's future.

This is the first story that I've read with Maren, and her tenacity and stubbornness is something that I find extremely relatable, so I'm liking her a lot so far.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Sep 2014 16:10 Title: Chapter 3: Moving Too Fast

With these kind of hacking skills, it almost makes you wonder how Maren ended up as 'just' a chief engineer. Looks like she should have joined Starfleet Intelligence. No computer around her is safe and clearly she's about to school an entire group of computer experts.

This young gal could probably take on Data in a computer hacking competition.

Author's Response:

Actually, I kind of like the idea of Maren and Icheb serving in SI later on.  Or in an AU.  *thinks*

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Sep 2014 20:02 Title: Chapter 3: Moving Too Fast

Go Maren! Actually on second thoughts... Great way to show just how clever your Maren is, and love the comparison to an athletic event: I can just imagine a bunch of Starfleet geeks hanging out, watching her breeze through Icheb's code, as excited as if they were watching a football game or a tennis match. Unfortunately for Maren, of course, her tenacity is about to cost her... Can't wait to read more!

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Sep 2014 15:43 Title: Chapter 3: Moving Too Fast

Oh, poor Maren. The clues were there, however subtle. It's great to see her comment on the nutrional supplements (I imagined they tasted horrible and it seems they do) and the way she rises up the challenge presented before her.

But all the while she's being watched and cheered on/rooted against. Atherton's appearance for required dickery was, per usual with him, absolutely unecessary but that's how he rolls. Icheb is sweating it out while Big Brother watches his girl inch closer and closer to ultimate failure. Tense stuff.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Sep 2014 22:59 Title: Chapter 3: Moving Too Fast

The codes walls are falling and Maren is so focus on beating them that she doesn’t see if Starfleet envisage her hacking the code they must be a logic trap somewhere to force her to face her survival test.

Still both Maren and Icheb are well written as always especially there inner monologues. Then good scene as Maren as she faces the joy of the Nutritional supplement drinks and the joys of 13 degrees of warmth in her pod.

Icheb private thoughts on her test performance and the impression that those watching her hacking the codes are impressed by her chaotic work. Still an interesting cliffhanger to imply nearly everyone fails his or her first test.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Sep 2014 21:19 Title: Chapter 3: Moving Too Fast

Ai yi yi - Atherton's an ass. Please tell me he ends up cleaning up butterscotch-tinged Caitian excretions.

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