Reviews For The All-Stars
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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Sep 2014 21:56 Title: Chapter 8 - Shots on Goal

Well that was fascinating day two of the trials and while we starting to see some of the team come together I’m glad it not all plain sailing for the selectors.

You’ve manage to make this chapter events easier to follow but I do seem surprised that Mack seem not o have thought ahead and program the holodeck with the required environments for the days challenges.

You’ve done your usual good job of giving each character an individual behaviour style and reason for there actions. Hearing how the jem’hadar bruise saw his actions was a bold but well worked choice.

I do wonder what surprise you’ve got instore for the swimming tomorrow and if mack going to have to deal with those who have a problem with water?

Author's Response:

That poor Caitian. That's all I'll say. PS Thanks!

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