Reviews For The All-Stars
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Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2014 01:23 Title: Chapter 4 - The MDM Twins

You gotta love replicators. And they say JC Penny is in trouble now? Just wait until those things go mainstream.

So Mack appears to have been framed and spent two decades behind bars. Nothing worse than being in prison and innocent. No wonder she doesn't want to talk about it.

Good for her she's having family in high places. Madden's little story sounded familiar and I found the deleted Nemesis scene on YouTube. Riker is a total jerk ... lol.

Author's Response:

Yep - I have never been a Riker fan and that sort of proved it for me. Plus it was irresistible to be able to slip the aftermath of that scene into the storyline. Thank you for reading!

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Aug 2014 21:09 Title: Chapter 4 - The MDM Twins

So that is the MDM Twins the Straight Arrow and the Black Sheep, well you did a great job introducing Marty properly and show the awkwardness of being the new X/O on Picard ship. I wonder if Riker was trying to teach him to double check information before putting it before the Captain or if it was just a bit of Riker twisted humor showing.

I like the way that you show Mack lost years by Marty having to explain some of the TNG history to her, plus her lack of processions and the satisfaction that she has with rid herself of prison issue items and replicating new item even if they all over grey and blue so far. Though displaying the physical scars on Mack you show she must have mental scars from her lost years.

Here hoping Marty and Picard can provide some minor assistance, then maybe the Cookie team can play the Titan team for a bit of payback.

Still keep up the good work, I can wait to see the boys and girls that Mack hires to make her various team and show us the sports of the Federation.

Author's Response:

Oh, thank you! The Daranaean sports are going to be very doglike.

The Marty/Riker scene is actually a scene cut from Nemesis. Riker does this, and it just seems nasty, like he's playing a prank on some guy who doesn't know any better. Some of this is how I see Marty, as a kind of - what happened next? - storyline.

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