Date: 31 Jul 2014 22:42 Title: Chapter 2 - Szish
So that is the twist with that rather useful article fitted to the cookie.
Still we've learnt a little about Mack and her team idea.
Do think this could be very interesting to see how the team come together.
Author's Response:
Thank you again for reading. It's meant to be a very different story.
Date: 23 Jul 2014 01:21 Title: Chapter 2 - Szish
That was a tough test drive. Right out of the gate and already getting shot at.
But we get to figure out what Mack's game is. It's literally playing games. Her explanation felt a little info dumpy but I guess that was hard to avoid. Plus we got a little lesson in baseball history.
It's a quirky little ideas this 24th century version of barnstorming. And with Mack the only real athlete on this fledging team, it sounds like it'll take a while to all come together.
One hell of an original story concept though.
Author's Response:
Yeah, I'm trying to cut back on the info dumping - I agree that there's a ton of it and I should probably split these chapters a bit better. Thank you for reading. Yeah, the team will come together ....