Reviews For The All-Stars
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Reviewer: CapnKrunch Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Oct 2014 22:00 Title: Chapter 1 - The Cookie

This is going to be fun.

Author's Response:

Aw, thanks! I should really get to posting more of Mack's adventures.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Jul 2014 22:30 Title: Chapter 1 - The Cookie

Nice work on getting that Beta Chapter up to the Archive it show plenty of promise plus it a gentle introduction to your new characters.

Author's Response:

I thank you - now I just need to find some time/way to get this one cooking amidst everything else I'm trying to do these days.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Jul 2014 01:02 Title: Chapter 1 - The Cookie

Intrigued by this beginning as well as by this oddly shaped Gorn custom built starship. Or perhaps not so oddly shaped after all considering most Starfleet ships have big prominent saucers.

What exactly is Mack up to with this ship and a crew she seems to be assembling on the fly, including a woman who gives her headaches?

Author's Response:

Well, only sometimes - at least it's controllable. Thank you for reading and reviewing. I've got to rework this chapter a little, I think.

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