Date: 13 Jul 2021 10:16 Title: Chapter 14
It looks like Pava and M'Sharv have some unfinished business. Actually a satisfying end to a first mission - leaving Sandhurst dissatisfied with the outcome.
One of my characters muses that the klingons killing their gods makes them the most sensible people he has encountered.
Also a really good opening relationship between Rameriz and Sandhurst.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
I'm pleased you enjoyed Gibraltar's inaugural tale and I hope you delve further into the series. Thank you so much for the great reviews!
Date: 29 Sep 2014 03:23 Title: Chapter 14
I really like the view that I've gotten of your world from this story. I love the darker, grittier view of Starfleet. I love the multitude of higher forces that are at play. I love how none of your characters are perfect, and none of them have the magic "I win" bottom on their console. I love how you've allowed your crew to essentially fail this mission. I can't wait to get started on your other stories, because I'm sure that all of the actions that were taken in this story will have rippling repercussions, not only on the political landscapes, but also on the interpersonal relationships and inner strife of the characters.
Author's Response:
Much obliged for the reviews of this story! Yes, there's is a complex universe without a lot of easy answers or satisfying victories.
Date: 19 Jun 2012 00:37 Title: Chapter 14
I really enjoyed this story, and I'm looking forward to reading the next. I certainly enjoyed Sandhurst's parting line - probably many a captain who had no clue what they were getting into. Looking forward to the next part!
Author's Response:
I'm pleased that you enjoyed the story so much. Thanks again for the terrific feedback!
Date: 31 May 2012 02:06 Title: Chapter 14
This was a good story that got into the meats and bones of the Allied occupation of the Cardassian Union. There was no dithering around at the beginning with introducing crew members, neither did you expand upon every main character which is a good thing as it leaves some mysteries, interest and questions for later stories.
That was one tight plot with twisted villains, dubious characters, heroes and learning-the-ropes captains (and more) all thrown in. You know how to write a good plot I'll give you that. I presume from this story the big three are Sandhurst, Ramirez and Lar'ragos. Nice work with Lar'ragos as I feel he is the strongest character of them all. A mixture of Guinan, Kira Nerys and Odo all lumped together. Guinan because Lar'ragos is El Aurian, Kira because Lar'ragos has been a soldier and committed some terrible things, and finally Odo because he's sort of like the outsider. He knows things and has had a long life. Lar'ragos is like the exact opposite of Guinan.
I feel sorry for the Cardassians though, they are really screwed and fighting back against the Federation and Klingons (especially those turtle-headed maniacs) is only going to send them further into misery, despair and great loss. Your Cardassian Union is literally like Germany post World War 2, except the Cardassians have one government however weak whereas the Germans had two: one for West Germany the other for East Germany.
For one snazzy plot, ballsy topics, interesting characters, cool features (and props like those hoverbikes), descriptive writing that left some images in my mind, bad-ass Klingons, Lar'ragos, moxy and intriguing politics, I give this story 4 and a half stars.
A good way to start off this series!
Author's Response:
I'm very pleased that this story was so well received by you. My intent was to show how complex and messy the situation in the Alpha Quadrant was immediately following the Dominion War, seen from the eyes of a Starfleet crew who were not the best and brightest.
Many adventures lay ahead for this ship and crew.
Thank you again for the fantastic feedback on the story. :-)
Date: 03 Apr 2012 15:56 Title: Chapter 14
just finished the last few chapters and what I can say is wow. As I said before, one of the best treks out there. I love that it isn't a winning scenario as well.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the terrific feedback, David. As you've seen, not every first mission can be a success story, but there are lessons to be learned from what the crew has endured.
I hope you'll check out the other stories in the series as well.
Date: 24 Aug 2010 04:50 Title: Chapter 14
Wow - a great end. I really like Lar'ragos' last words to M'Sharv. I'm sorry to see the Gibraltar's first mission end in failure, but even in the short time they've spent togeter, I can see that they've grown. Ending the story on DS9 was also a nice touch.
Vivid writing and an engaging story - I enjoyed it a lot! I also liked how you made an attempt to invent some new things in the Star Trek world, which I think the franchise needs badly. Also, your use of the post-war Cardassia to mirror the post-war Iraq is, well...very Star Trek. Well done!
So which one of their adventures would you recommend next?
Author's Response:
I'm very pleased you enjoyed the story, thank you for your reviews. Gibraltar's crew definitely got a raw deal on this mission, and it won't be the last time they face such odds.
The next story in the series (and one of my favorites) is Geometries of Chance. I hope you find it equally engaging.
Date: 19 Dec 2009 03:40 Title: Chapter 14
An excellent ending to a great story. Though his mission was considered a failure, I find myself thinking there is greatness there. A diamond in the rough.
Awesome stuff.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the reviews! Yes, this was a rather ignomenious beginning for this crew's mission, but I believe they've been tested in the crucible and will be strengthened by the experience. Well... most of them, anyway.
Date: 04 Dec 2009 10:41 Title: Chapter 14
And a fantastic wrap-up!
I loved the way you presented Ramirez decision and provided us with a hint that there is more to Sandhurst than we think. I also really liked the fact that this story ends on such a downer - things did not go as planned, but that's ok, we'll just keep on going.
A masterful work, and I can't wait to read the next book! :)
Author's Response:
Thank you. I thought it would be a telling legacy for the ship if their innagural mission ended badly. How do you come back from that as a crew? How does a captain bring his/her people together after such an event.
Keep reading to find out. :-)
Date: 23 Aug 2009 03:40 Title: Chapter 14
Wow. Heartbreaking.
I can't wait to see if future missions help Sandhurst become redeemed in his own eyes, and bring him closer to Ramirez. I also wonder if Pava is to be trusted. I mean, if Sandhurst wonders, I have to wonder, right? After all, they're good friends.
Author's Response:
It's tough for a crew to start off on an assignment with a mission failure, and even harder for a brand new captain. As for Lar'ragos, he's a complex creature, and nobody (including him) is ever fully sure of what he's capable of.
Date: 12 Aug 2009 05:11 Title: Chapter 14
Not an easy or a comfortable ending, but not all missions are successful. I like that the mystery of the device is still not solved entirely, and I'm glad you pointed me back toward this origin story before I continued in the next. This was some real first-rate writing!
Author's Response:
Thanks very much for reading and commenting. I experimented with some more positive outcomes for the story's conclusion, but they all rang hollow. This time the good guys didn't win. Hell, they barely broke even. Then again, Starfleet never promised them a rose garden. ;)
Date: 01 Jun 2009 18:48 Title: Chapter 14
This is one of the best stories I've read in a long time. I really liked how you set the premise, introduced the situation and the characters and showed how they are beginning to evolve into a crew. My earlier liking of Pava
and Ramirez in "Backup" was only reinforced as we met them here for
the first time. Sandhurst is still a bit of a cipher to me; I look
forward to discovering (along with Ramirez) just what is so special
about him. I think it's entirely plausible that as the officer corps
became somewhat depleted during the Dominion War that officers like
Sandhurst were suddenly thrust into command track.
I don't entirely understand the Cardassian insurgents; my
understanding was that at the end of the Dominion War Cardassia was
thoroughly beaten down and depleted, lacking the ability to mount a
further rebellion against their new "occupiers". Let alone the issue
of literally biting the hand that feeds you; I was glad to see that at
least some of the Cardassians on Lakesh felt much differently toward
the Federation relief efforts. I can't really fault the Klingons here;
their attitude of having to save the Federation from their own
short-sightedness (not to mention "do-gooding" impulses) rings very
true. And I agree with the captain of the Phoenix about his hopes that
the Klingons do burn the planet down as they pacify it. I liked how
you had Sandhurst's mission end in failure. It was very realistic,
given the complete unpreparedness for an insurgency (let alone the
disbelief that such a thing would even occur), the lack of materials
and ships and so on. The devastating weapon used against them, the
unexpected savior of a device found on board the Gibraltar--all adds
up to a very gripping and compelling read.
Author's Response:
Thank you very much! It was my hope to introduce compelling characters caught up in a situation far over their collective heads and then watch as they try their best to slog through it.
I'm glad you enjoyed the story, and I hope you'll continue on with the series.
Date: 08 Apr 2009 05:57 Title: Chapter 14
The last of the reviews are lost now that Hope Station's not google-cached anymore, but the ending of this story is a haunting one. Especially considering what comes next. It was my honor to eBook it, and I really hope you submit Geometries for the same thing.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Steff. I appreciate that greatly.