Reviews For Year One
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Jul 2014 20:29 Title: Insult to Injury

JQ; helping to ground Maren since the Academy.

Another great instalment and exploration of Academy days and curriculum events. It was terrific to see the excitement of Maren and John  about going to Spacedock since neither of them had an upbringing that afforded them many opportunities to go visiting and traversing the stars like that.

It's a wonderful scene as they both share the viewport window and that exchange. No wonder the JQ/Maren party keeps winning converts when they have such hot little interactions. Especially as those interactions usually throw them for a spin. It makes the skirt chaser John forget skirt chasing and it makes the bookish Maren flush with other theories.

And interesting how they both are getting different experiences in the Academy and towards each other. Maren does obsess with her difficulties - maybe that's the problem with John - he makes / would make it too easy to be with him. Whereas when it comes to Icheb it's going to be a lot more of a challenge.

And perhaps we see here the flaw in Maren. She's brilliant at most things but fails to realise where she ought to be applying herself - to engineering and to JQ. Instead, she's stubborn and obstinate and pushes relentlessly and vainly at trying to improve at piloting. Failure does not become her and you know what it is troubling that she finds so much so easy. Life never ends up that way and it's usually easier to learn that lesson way earlier in life as it will better stand to you. JQ would be the perfect example of that. Icheb too for that matter.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Jul 2014 04:57 Title: Insult to Injury

Oh, poor JQ. When you got it bad for a girl, you got it bad. Totally understand his feelings here and I loved the interplay between him and Aaron. The roommates are quite good together (and the parallel between Maren and Rachel was nice, too). The description of the view was just beauitful, but poor Maren: she had a rough day of it.

Respect to JQ for not pouncing on the opportunity to do what he wanted, but rather being the friend she needed. As much as it'll pain him down the line, he's got his role figured out even now and performs it well. Looking forwad to how Maren inevitably ends up going into engineering and giving birth to one of the universes smartest duos with Icheb.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jul 2014 17:47 Title: Insult to Injury

This would all be pretty tragic except for the fact that we know that she'll succeed and turn into one of Starfleet's finest engineers. And all the signs that that is her true destiny are there, she just hasn't realized yet.

I do like Jiri. She's hot and evil. What a combo.

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