Date: 04 Jan 2010 18:44 Title: Interlude XIII
Fantastic flashback. A mosaic of pieces all building towards a picture. Giving us the moment Beth struggled with and the horror of comprehending what the command might actually mean somewaht parallels what is happening with Beth on the verge of holding a key to communicating with these aliens. But all that is secondary when I read Riker's loss of hope at meeeting Cass and being almost killed by her. It is heartbreaking to think of it. Deanna with her won issues and division from Cass could perhaps accept the betrayal easier. However, for Riker not so, a father's love and faith and hope in his children would persist until he can no longer hold up that hope. Crushing really.
Date: 08 Apr 2009 06:05 Title: Interlude XIII
Well, I am still here and still enthralled enough to read as you post these. No small feat. I really love how things are sort of playing out with Beth trying to communicate with this new species, and all of the leadup to that realization. Nicely tied together. The flashbacks continue to be intriguing, too.