Date: 11 Jun 2014 01:04 Title: Chapter 6
Wow, what a gripping ending segment. An epic battle all the more epic for the tragedy and fultility of it all. You played the grand picture scheme of it all well, within the scope of the bridge crew devastation. The focus on one ship mirroring the fate and bravery of so many others. Really well depicted.
Then, the end. Hard, cold words. Ringing in the chambers. Ringing in eternity. Because the truth is he's right - they all do burn. This is the beginning of the end. This si the Fall. Well played. Well played.
Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed this. It, in a way, to stretch myself and try something this dark, so I'm very pleased you and everyone else has enjoyed this so far. Thank you!
Date: 10 Jun 2014 19:14 Title: Chapter 6
Maybe not all of them, but even one more is worth it
Wow. What a gripping, tragic ending. You wonderfully captured the hell of war and the small acts of bravery. I love what you did with this, from such small hints in the timeline I sent you to create a such a complete, well-rounded story... Fantastic. Well done!
Author's Response: Very glad you enjoyed it, and thank you again for letting me try and jump in on your universe. It was very fun to write (for as dark as it went...heh) for you and help flesh out this universe. Thank you very much for the kind review
Date: 08 Jun 2014 12:33 Title: Chapter 6
Bitter but believable, Seem to fit the Fall series well, Starfleet did they best, it just wasn't good enough.
Top marks for that dark tale.
Date: 08 Jun 2014 04:02 Title: Chapter 6
Bronislaw gave it his all, as did so many of them. Quite the portrait of bravery at the end, of final valor as the odds just overwhelmed them. This is a hard and painful end for so many, and at least some of it can be laid at the feet of the officials who miscalculated. Affecting and haunting, really terrific work here.