Reviews For Tempus Fugit
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 25 Nov 2020 13:51 Title: Chapter Nine - Face-to-Face
Author's Response: Deen is a bit of a controversial character. And I admit she has some Mary Sue-ish qualities to her. She also goes through quite a bit of change over the course of the series. Here she still fairly innocent, although quite happy to turn on the charms on poor Creegan.

Date: 25 Nov 2020 13:51 Title: Chapter Nine - Face-to-Face
The disarming scene with Deen and Creegan was some superb writing. That's some serious Trek - with a citrus twist of Star Wars on the side.
Good storytelling with Leva and Nakar as well. I'm intrigued by Leva's smile as Nakar appearas to make good his escape.
Also enjoying Owens making it up as he goes along - which is how much of life works. Something pretty much any commanding officer has to be ready to do at a moment's notice. And a classic cliffhanger with Frobischer, Owens and Deen beaming off to some undisclosed location off planet...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Deen is a bit of a controversial character. And I admit she has some Mary Sue-ish qualities to her. She also goes through quite a bit of change over the course of the series. Here she still fairly innocent, although quite happy to turn on the charms on poor Creegan.