Reviews For ST: HERITAGE - Book One, A Break with Tradition
Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Dec 2009 00:00 Title: Chapter Eight - Part One
Author's Response: OM - You know, I've never seen that episode but I can tell you Beth would definitely crack. Further along in the books you'll see that Beth can't tolerate real gravity very well at all. She's more than happy to let Dryden take ALL the away missions so she can stay on her ship. The Academy experience was made worse for her because she was planet side. But she never considered herself a planetary being simply because she never was one. Her home has always been in space. And with a bunch of people who cooked. He he.
Date: 18 Dec 2009 00:00 Title: Chapter Eight - Part One
Hee hee. Love the idea of calling herself a Titanese. Part of that comes from pride in her homestead and part in her whole mindset and view of living life on a ship. If ever what happened to Janeway in 'Basics' happened to Beth - grounded planetside with her ship taken away and no way of returning to it or space I think then she might crack. But it also speaks of a Captain's heart - as I know my McGregor talks of his crew as his 'kestrels'. So it is the affinity with the ship that calls to her soul. That and the warm and loving atmosphere created by Riker and valued by Beth in her commands. Makes for a wonderful ahppy reading and it makes for a rumbling hungry belly.
Author's Response: OM - You know, I've never seen that episode but I can tell you Beth would definitely crack. Further along in the books you'll see that Beth can't tolerate real gravity very well at all. She's more than happy to let Dryden take ALL the away missions so she can stay on her ship. The Academy experience was made worse for her because she was planet side. But she never considered herself a planetary being simply because she never was one. Her home has always been in space. And with a bunch of people who cooked. He he.