Date: 12 Apr 2014 09:15 Title: Chapter 18
Tough choices all over this chapter and it all boils down to trust. After everything this crew has been thru, that's one commodity that's not in abundance.
Visiting the resistance base seems to be the next logical step if Adele plans to oppose the Borg but I'd be just as hesitant to agree to this plan as she is.
And letting a Borg operate on your wife or possibly watching her die. I don't envy Adrian for being put into this position either.
Date: 11 Apr 2014 19:27 Title: Chapter 18
So good to have some new Tesseract! I so love these characters and it is fantastic to get back to them again.
You did a great job letting us into Lakwa's mindset, making her both relatable and yet alien, maintaining her Borg-ness (if that is a word) while showing us how they have changed in this new timeline. I know how difficult that can be to pull off (and am still not sure I did in my own Restoration story) but you have done a wonderful job of it here.
The conversation between Adele and Lakwa was another insight into just what a great captain you have created in her: she managed a delicate balancing act of trusting and caution and it was easy to see how much of a dilemma it was to decide what to do about Lakwa's offers and requests. Her final decision seems fair in the circumstances.
And then we return to Adrian. Man, his chapters must be hell to write! The depth of emotion you are able to delve into in quite a short scene was impressive.
Another great job, as always!
Date: 11 Apr 2014 18:55 Title: Chapter 18
Oh, Lakwa. She's a generally good person and here she seems to realize that everyone else is kinda freaked out by the whole Borg thing. As well they should be. The idea of letting her meet up with Malik is a scary one, granted (Malik is not a nice person) but letting her help heal the sick? Desperate times call for desperate measures. I can't fault Adele or Julian for allowing it. So many have been lost already, losing more out of fear or arrogance is unacceptable.
I get why Adrian Keller is against this idea and, let's face it, it's not ever going to be a popular idea no matter how advanced/good a Borg drone (former or otherwise) is at their job. But he makes the right call here and I hope Lakwa does manage to save his wife (because, dude, he lost little Lucy).
ME WANTZ MOAR. Well done.