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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Dec 2009 22:01 Title: Chapter Seven

Hee hee. What a glorious chapter. Now I see why my earlier remark about too many cooks hinted at something more. Terrific humour and joy encapsulated in this scene. The Chateaux Picard vintage in particular hitting home for Riker. A very thoughtful act on Picard's part as not to be unexpected.

Quite a few traditions are being kept alive by Beth. She is forged very much in the new - wide tastes in food, more exotic aliens to many in the Federation are like family and childhood friends to her - and yet she is firm in her beliefs to keep certain traditions from the Titan alive, she comes with a strong and vibrant bond with the Cats crews and brings their team mentality to the table,  and  she wants to forge new traditions and a team mentality aboard her command. She continues to impress. As does her author.

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