Date: 17 Nov 2020 16:49 Title: Chapter Four - Broken Ties
I appreciate the theme of replicated food not being the same as actual food - it's an important plot point that I play to in STH.
Nice character exposition and backstory on Leva. And a very interesting surprise betrothal... Secret Agent Lif...
I like the relationship between Eddison and Owens - good reparte. And the fact that while Owens is running away from his family issues, he is actually doing things he should be doing, keeping abreast of the crew and other detailed information leaders can often neglect. It's that kind of detailed knowledge that allows a resourceful leader to know what resources are available.
And Xylion should understand the concept of windows of opportunity. It's as critical in relationships as in spaceflight. But logic does not turn inward as easily as it turns outward.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: This is very much a Owens and Leva story, although clearly the likes of Culsten and Wenera also feature prominently. Edison was a decent character but sometimes he feels just little bit to obviously based on Will Riker. One of the reasons he eventually had to go and was replaced with somebody far more layered in Tazla Star.