Reviews For Year One
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Jul 2014 20:14 Title: Immersion

Darn you kes. You make something like a nervous date feel exactly like that, a nervous date, but you also manage to fit in loads of little science fiction tidbits that colour the scene that lifts it to another level. These include references to the vocal range of the singer to the feel of a wider universe populated by more than humans addign a different feel and colour to even human locations. Apart from the sci-fi there's a ton of neat Trek bits peppered throughout to make this feel very Trekian too. Some of which provides terrific quotes such as:

“Bloodwine, sex and battle,” John explained.  “Only cruder.”  He shrugged theatrically.  “You know. It’s Klingon.”

Klingon Opera meets Klingon Rave. Seems weird at first but actually, I rather imagine it's the very thing that would happen. PS Loved the band's name and the sense of universe building by mere mention of how it did in the charts etc. Additionally, there's all the in-universe bits to get excited about here too. Among them, the fact that Maren is oblivious to things like music charts.

We get a lot about Maren here, a given given it's her POV but still how telling is it that she is making a stand for some former drone she knows nothing about? It goes to explain some how this sheltered and naive girl ends up for falling for someone who as something should frighten and repel her. But she sees in the plight of this nameless faceless drone the fact there's a real person behind it all, who perhaps has a family of his own.

But apart from all the insights into Maren and the introductions of a few characters who we learn really are A-holes by their later behaviour, is the insight into JQ. Firstly, we see through Maren's (JQ-is-easy-on-them) eyes just how he manages to be such a womaniser. But we also see that his approach to Maren seems less 'goal' orientated in terms of trying to simply score. He's patient with her, we see how protective he is at the entrance of the club sizing it up for threats before he leads her inwards, he is rather chaste at her door too.

Most telling though is his sudden anger and the barely contained thinly veilled anger it is. It shows where John was at in the beginning. Just how hot-headed he really was. Yes, it can be argued he's hot-headed still but not as here, not in that fiery rage mood. Very little seems to set him off here. Obviously, there's parallels to his upbringing and men around his mother type stuff going on but he had no real invested concern about Rachel. However, it's protector mode personified. If it had been Maren, one wonders - nay doubts - if he would have kept that anger in check. And again, telling is the fact that Maren pegs him for command. Again, it is other people seeing the potential in JQ before he can. He sees himself in the role of strong arm and muscle, little realising just how much more than that he can be.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Feb 2014 19:40 Title: Immersion

Well, that was an eventful night out and a real chance for Maren to come out of her shell a bit and be social for a change. Her chemistry with John is already undeniable and of course he's more than happy to help it along. Maren's journey is real fascinating stuff and all seems to be set in motion for one epic love triangle.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Feb 2014 23:27 Title: Immersion

Oh, poor Maren. I totally understand her self awareness and the running commentary. I get that way a lot of times when I'm in a social situation I'm unused to. I liked the way you integrated that in here while showing what was going on. We get a peek into JQs own demons, briefly, when he goes all dark like and Atherton shows himself to be a true Ahole, though one that has a semi-legitmate reason to be that way against the former Borg.

An enjoyable chapter to read, though one filled with future heartache for poor JQ who missed an opportunity (something I'm used to as well) and will regret that for some years. Well done.

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