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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Dec 2009 20:06 Title: Chapter Six - Part One

An understatement indeed. Ha! Loved this interaction between Worf and Beth debating over Q. Worf tended to get quite animated when it came to the matter of the Romulans and to Q. An alliance with the Romulans perhaps will temper his thinking on one score but I doubt anything will temper his thinking on the Q front. A very fiery meeting between the two. Their relationship with each other is not strained by the excvange of differences either. Which is heartening to read. You further intrigue as to Q and Beth's special relationship and just why she is so willing to 'trust' Q. But again, with Jean-Luc as mentor, atop wahtever experience at the Academy, Beth would have learned that there was more to Q and that his motives are not always cruel. A further fascinating and fantastic chapter.

Author's Response: Hee hee! NOTHING will temper Worf's view on Q. It's impossible for Worf to trust him! And since I can see from your other reviews what it is about Q that Beth appreciates I'll address that in those reviews.

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