Reviews For Merciful Justice
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Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Dec 2013 03:47 Title: Chapter 3

Ah, more deep questions. DS9 was good at asking them, though answering them they sometimes missed on. I like the way O'Brien brings up his past experiences here to quash Bashir's idealism. I'm an idealist, I get where Bashir is coming from, but there are some creatures out there that are without redemption and O'Brien is right, sometimes the harshest penalty is the only way to go.

The prisoner escaping is not a good thing and I suspect one of our mains here is going to find themselves in a trouble with that guy sooner rather than later. Pacing in the chapter was good, liked the way you weaved in the deeper questions/past actions and look forward to more.

Author's Response: That was most interesting aspect of the Bashir-O'Brien dynamic--one being the idealist and the other a realist in nearly everything. And of course, the serial killer in this story did manage to hit a nerve with Odo about how much blood is really on his hands. It's a fun little exercise in tying in what we learned about the main characters throughout the series with a story taking place during DS9's first season.

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