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Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2014 01:38 Title: Chapter 16

What a great chapter. Man, every time I read one of these, it makes me want to jump on my keyboard and start writing again to see if I can do something half as good! :)

Yay, a Julian POV. I love Bashir as a character, and it is great to get a glimpse into this future version of him here. Nice throwbacks to Section 31, Jadzia and Ezri, and nice to see that Ezri is still around somewhere out there. You nailed his voice perfectly, the slightly snarky way he brought Icheb back down to Earth and managed to talk him around to taking care of himself without having to invoke the CMO's power to force him into regenerating. About time someone put their foot down with our favourite little Borg.

And then we have Adele trying desperately to make sense of what has happened and how to pull her mission back into some semblance of order. You managed to portray her total lack of control and slight despair perfectly, while also showing us why she is where she is in command of Tesseract as she does what has to be done to keep her command staff functioning. Yay for T'Pring putting in the good word for John, especially after what he has been through recently. And also managing to inject that little touch of humour with the banter between T'Pring and Iden about Marchenko and her "exploits".

Once again, a fantastic chapter.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Nov 2013 22:54 Title: Chapter 16

Really liked the second segment in this chapter and the sense of loss and desperation at being so decimated. The biggest surprise was T'Pring of course and her unexpected recommendation for Quigley's promotion. But she's right. He has distinguished himself by getting a lot of people through that recent crucible.

The Bashir/Icheb scene wasn't quite as insightful and I thought it dragged on a little bit as the characters did their somewhat predictable dance which could really only end one way. It did however highlight once again, the hopelessness of Icheb and how little he seems to care about his own well being, now that he appears to be living on borrowed time.

Author's Response:

Interesting comment.  I had a beta for this chapter.  Originally, that first section was much shorter.  I was strongly encouraged to expand it.  I can definitely see where you are coming from, though.  

I'm glad you liked the second bit.  It's hard getting into some of these characters' minds again after so much time spent away from this project, but it's coming back to me slowly.  :)  Thanks for sticking with it.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Nov 2013 17:38 Title: Chapter 16

Love this from beginning to end. Bashir and Icheb have a showdown and it's worth the price of admission. The way the two defend their positions is true to both their characters and I especially enjoyed the Jadzia reference here, very appropriate IMO. The second half was also fun with Iden and T'Pring, and JQ getting some cred for being a badass earlier. This looks to be setting up for one very entertaining headache for Adele ... which pleases me to no end. Yay Tesseract, more please. :)

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