Date: 01 Nov 2013 20:29 Title: Chapter 5
Oh Mac...that was absolutely amazing.
I was a bit lost at first, so I think I will have to read the preceding story, but you did a great job filling in the details.
You'll notice I didn't stop and leave reviews on each chapter. That's because I didn't stop; you captivated me and held my attention until I could finish the story. That is the making of a great adventure. Everything seemed perfectly in character, the voices were all correct, the actions wonderful. I love the bridging the gap you did, bringing in the Daedalus-classes as well as altering Enterprise's registry from NX to NCC post-Romulan war. I half expected some brand-new off the line Constitution to roll-up after the Enterprise, but it was great to see the adherence to the timeline.
Also loved the cameo of Sarek; it offers a incredible bit of history and insight to the man to why he would be so knowledgeable on the subject of the katra, and why he would be so desperate to get Kirk to go through this same scenario.
This story seems like it would fit perfectly in the "missing years" between Terra Prime and These Are the Voyages. Well done; this was another rocking answer to the challenge.
Author's Response: Far too generous in your praise Temp though I am most appreciative of it :)
Here's where it gets tricky. For a couple of years now I've been doing a post-Terra Prime series of ENT stories, if the show had not been cancelled kind of thing and for a while it's been using ideas that Season 5 might've used. One I'm sure was ENT getting an NCC registry and the Romulan War of course.
I tend to ignore These are the Voyages...trouble is the Into Darkness version though half done doesn't seem to fit into what I have (Tiberius would be in a Season 7 story yet to write, the planned Shatner guest spot that never was) I guess these ENT bits happen not only post-UFP founding but in some neverworld...'s kind of confusing to me actually :) but my thanks. Maybe we'll get a Star Trek ENT III soon :)
Date: 29 Oct 2013 00:04 Title: Chapter 5
Bitter sweet ending you manage to capture the moment from the end of STIII and yet keep it fully in the feel of the Enterprise, I salute you sir top job.
A fully enjoyable read and it will be interesting to see how the adventure continues.
Love the second star to the right line and lets find somewhere cool line.
Date: 28 Oct 2013 21:22 Title: Chapter 5
... and so it does!
Well done, and respectful to both sides of canon.
Author's Response: thanks Jespah.