Date: 02 Sep 2020 16:24 Title: Part 4
Interesting decision. I'm not sure how the psychological toll is on analysts. But drone pilots experience much higher rates of both psychological stress and physical injury than fighter pilots.
Logically, a space war is most likely to be a drone war. But a sufficiently technologically advanced adversary can easily counter that - as the old sayings goes - two can play that game.
Nice short and nice tight focus.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I agree. I also think that one thing that Trek probably didn't get right is going to be the dependence of drones and AI in the future of space exploration. But then again, 300 years is a long time to get over the use of drones and return to manned space flight (and space war). Thanks for reading this one. Hope you enjoyed it.
Date: 12 Jul 2014 18:43 Title: Part 4
Wow. This was, overall, an incredibly thought-provoking story. All parties involved had valid points of argument, and it's a hard truth the face for the kid that people like him really are a necessary evil.
Well done, CeJay. Well done.
Author's Response: I'm glad that you could see both sides of the argument. I wanted to make a conscious effort not to favor one too much over the other and may not have always succeeded. Thanks for reading.
Date: 25 Apr 2014 15:53 Title: Part 4
Wow. I mean, I kinda thought - hoped - that Rhory would decide to pull out of it. That something would trigger in him to make himwalk away from it. But no, you did the brilliant thing story wise to have him remain a part of it. Worse that, he accpets his role and skills that help play the part. He uses his analytical mind to come up with the targets and is encompassing in it. He calculates in the collateral damage and even if he can reason that the collatoral damage would be less now that later it is a horrifying and dark transition of character. Not only that, but Rhory himself accepts, knows and believes this about himself. That's what is scarier still.
A brilliantly political, ethical and disturbing tale CeJay. More than that, it is a great glimpse into a character and a story telling device employed not too often, were you allow the main character to willingly become 'bad' - even if they convince themselves it is for the right reasons they are paying all sorts of wrong prices. Additionally, it is a great expansion of your Eagle universe and the wider United Trek story tale weaved about the Talarian Incursion. UT can always go to the dark places and still have a sense and feeling of being Trek.
As for the character of Rhory, I hope that some day you may return to his story at some later juncture in his life perhaps. In many ways, he is a Talza Star in the making. Someone who will need to find redemption but someone who may not go seeking it or finding it easy to achieve it. Brilliant job.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for the kind words. As for the ending, to me that had never been in doubt even though perhaps his transition happens a little faster than even I liked. But I wanted to keep within the format of the Lower Deck Tales series and not let this become a full blown novel. As for him going 'bad', I'd like to put forth the counter argument that perhaps he's doing the right thing here. Perhaps the Federation needs a few people who are a little darker to keep it safe. No, I'm not talking about Section 31 dark -- even though who knows it may lead to that eventually -- but just people who are willing to make difficult decisions. Of course the idea of this story is for the reader to decide for themselves. I also really liked your comparison to Tazla Star. I didn't consciously think about it but of course just like Rhory she was much in a similar situation once when she had to make a difficult choice with real consequences. It didn't work out to well for her. Here's hoping that it won't be as bad for Rhory. Again, thanks for your awesome and insightful reviews.
Date: 13 Apr 2014 02:42 Title: Part 4
Oh, this is a tough ending. I also love how the guy in tweed has no name. For the Devil has the power to assume a pleasing shape, eh?
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. Tweed Jacket is the devil only to some. To others, no doubt, he's the guy who gets it.
Date: 15 Dec 2013 22:09 Title: Part 4
Rhory's lost. I don't know exactly how one comes back from something like that. It has to be possible, there has to be some kind of redemption a person can find, but to find it you have to go looking for it. But he's given up; as smart as he is, he's given up.
Really amazing story, CeJay. It strikes home.
Author's Response: Don't give up on Rhory yet. He has at least one attribute in his favor. Youth. Which means he has plenty of time to re-adjust his moral compass down the road. Different readers have taken different things from this story, which I think is the most interesting aspect of this tale. Really appreciate your view on this. Many thanks for reading and commenting.
Date: 26 Sep 2013 06:26 Title: Part 4
A very sobering tale that delves into the very real ethical dilemmas that arise in warfare. Young Rhory comes to realize that war is a messy, imprecise and deadly affair. In the end, he seems to accept his role in the think-tank but I fear he has been irrevocably changed. I wonder if we will see more of this group of analysts in future stories?
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I ain't got any immediate plans to revisit Rhory but then again, never say never. It would be interesting to revisit him at some point to see how his new view of the universe, and his role in it, may have shaped him.
Date: 25 Sep 2013 00:57 Title: Part 4
I was expecting a conspiracy of some sort, the ending surprised me... I did like it, but kinda have a hard time believing Starfleet would go this far... Overall a nice story though
Author's Response: Glad you liked the ending and that it came as a surprise. I wanted this to be a very personal story for Rhory with an ambiguous ending to allow the reader to make up his or her own mind about the way Starfleet and the Federation was conducting itself and if it is justified. I don't think the actions taken here were all that much of a stretch. Keep in mind that this happens just after the end of the incredibly costly Dominion War in which millions lost their lives. The Federation wants to send a clear message here: Never Again. Also, if you recall Admiral Noah Satie from TNG's The Drumhead as the President of the Federation, I'd imagine she'd be more than willing to go to these lengths to secure the safety of the Federation. Or at least as she perceives it.