Date: 31 Aug 2020 16:15 Title: Part 1
Very timely considering how much we now rely on drones. Of course the danger of such machines is that they are far easier to corrupt and turn back on their manufactuerer than vessles that respond to human commands.
Probably the hardest thing to predict about a putative ST future is what the media would look like and how it would interact with Star Fleet and the Federation - a question I largely sidestepped.
I appreciate the GW quote at the beginning. I have moved my opening quotes so that they do not always appear at the beginning of each episode but are closer to the scene that they provide introductory information for.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I tend to like to use contemporary themes in my Trek stories to explore them from a slightly different and yet very familiar perspective. As for the depiction of the media, I admit I didn't veer away much from familiar territory here. One would hope, the media is a little more responsible and less sensational in the future.
Date: 12 Jul 2014 18:11 Title: Part 1
A good start to this story, I like the set up. Looking forward to what's next.
Author's Response: Thanks.
Date: 25 Apr 2014 15:07 Title: Part 1
Oh edgy political stuff here but I like it too for the fact that in universe it makes sense, especially under UT's President Satie. After a long exhauting war with the Dominion it isn't surprising that Starfleet has been planning alternatives to fighting a war. Given the supreme firepower a starship holds there is something truly frightening about these UWCVs. The might of a starship is always constrained by the person in charge, the captain, and the crew from being wielded at its utmost. But the UWCVs are designed with the expressed purpose of being deployed for full military precision and impact. A highly dangerous and tempting way to continue wage war.
Then to garner the debate you focus on the family home of the Owens. Nice to see some extension to the person Owens with his cousins here. It adds more to him but in their very own they are a neat unit to explore this theme from different perspectives. Despite this, they don't come across as mere mouth pieces for the debate. Instead, they're a family having breakfast, slight bickering between the married couple and some ribbing and prodding of their child in the process who plans to buck things and do things his own way.
Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing. And you're right, the UWCV's are a real departure for Starfleet in a away. There probably hasn't been a more military centric design in Starfleet since the Defiant-class project and even that, as a starship, can arguably fulfill more than a single function whereas the UWCVs cannot. Considering the Dominion and Borg threats the Federation has faced in recent years, this shift of thinking made a lot of sense to me. It also ties into the United Trek storyline of a presidential administration less interested in exploring the galaxy and instead fortifying its own borders.
Date: 13 Apr 2014 02:17 Title: Part 1
A lot of information in a small package here - interesting to see where this is going.
Author's Response: Thanks for reading!
Date: 15 Dec 2013 21:50 Title: Part 1
Oh, and again you bring the amazing parallels to real world conditions today. I'm with Vince, myself; yes, no one wants casualties in war, no one wants people to die, but when comes the day that war becomes the easy, cheap solution to problems, when it no longer requires living beings to fight it, what's to stop us from waging it? And when that happens, how long before it's the civilians, not the soldiers, who are dying in droves because the other side figures out how to do the same thing?
Author's Response: I'm glad you found a voice in this story that spoke to you. I really wanted to try a capture both viewpoints and let readers decide which one they thought was more convincing. Thanks for reading.
Date: 24 Sep 2013 19:58 Title: Part 1
I like the post-war Federation tensions, it seems believable that after a prolonged and bloody conflict the Federation would be more martial and aggressive initially.
I did think it would be questioned a lot more during the press conference, it seems a bit unlikely that it wouldn't be questioned a whole lot more
Author's Response: Thanks for the comment. I would imagine a lot more questions were asked at the press conference (and the later briefing), and in fact we leave it while it is still in progress. I just didn't want to spend too much time on it. After all this is the story of Rhory and the decisions he must make and I wanted to focus on that instead.
Date: 16 Sep 2013 23:56 Title: Part 1
Well CeJay, I’m glad you finally choice which flame to go on the cover for this story ☺.
Well this is an interesting story start, the Federation does seem to keep falling into war with ever one of its neighbors, it will wear on the conscious and federation resources. I felt your news briefing with the federation media felt believable, thou I was surprise more journalists didn’t try to get a question in.
The Home scene between Vincent and Kerra was well written and well balanced between the two of them. Between the two sides of the merits of the use of unmanned warp combat vessels, nice metaphor for modern drones. Be interesting to see how this one develops.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I suppose I had to exercise a bit of brevity with the press conference. You ever watch one of those? They go on forever.