Reviews For Pawprints
Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Aug 2013 00:33 Title: Regard
Author's Response: They would definitely disagree. I think once the two powerhouses of Melinda and Andrew Corrigan decided, that was that. Even if it took the Scot years to quite believe in it. Thanks so much!
Date: 01 Aug 2013 00:33 Title: Regard
That was beautiful. And so fitting. What strikes me is that, like Scotty, the chair doesn't quite fit - it's worn, and ratty, and mismatched, but has found and will keep a place in this family. Scotty isn't quite a part of this family - to his mind anyway, although I'm sure all of the members of the Corrigan clan would vehemently disagree - but he's loved and accepted despite that. A mismatched, adopted son, but an important part of the family nevertheless.
Author's Response: They would definitely disagree. I think once the two powerhouses of Melinda and Andrew Corrigan decided, that was that. Even if it took the Scot years to quite believe in it. Thanks so much!