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Reviewer: Cowgirlcadet1701 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Dec 2015 22:20 Title: Chapter 2

I'm liking this so far. When do I get to read more?

Funny thing is, I might not have read this at all, except you hooked me with the comparison to Robin Hood. I'm kind of into Robin Hood.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Jul 2013 17:35 Title: Chapter 2

Good little interplay with the nameless human prisoner, who seems not only odd but maybe a little unhinged. The stiletto, the throw (and the miss! Good; characters shouldn't score a direct hit every time) and the distraction are something, but I get the feeling they're going to add up to more trouble for Aeryn.

Plus Sela's unhappy about being reassigned, and seems to feel that it's beneath her. I wonder when and how their paths will cross?

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