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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Sep 2013 12:39 Title: Detached Curiosity & Idle Speculation

This is what I do like about your stories is that you can create minor characters to explore the aftermath of odd situations in better details. I can imagine that the curiosity and idle speculation from meeting a ship crew by your descendants and the implications and discovers about various people sexuality and future personal relationships must have been quite shocking to the NX-01 crew.

I like how you use it as a catalyse for Dave Constantine to act on his hope of love for Frank Todd.

So well done yet again for yet another great Enterprise story from your keyboard.

Author's Response:

Aw, thank you.

I like to think that E2 decided a lot of things for people, and they suddenly learned all of this ... stuff. And someone was bound to act on it.

Reviewer: TemplarSora Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Sep 2013 19:19 Title: Detached Curiosity & Idle Speculation

Ah, the trouble with meeting your descendants, and getting a glimpse of things to come. Time can be rewritten; that seems to be a favorite phrase in Doctor Who right now, and it does hold very true. This, however, seems to be taking the future by the horns and going "ok, enough with beating around the bush."

So glad that I keep stumbling on these stories with very real homosexual characters. There is nothing that stunning about either of them, nothing that sets them apart, and that's awesome. And I like how the MACO lets his feelings out - something those silent warriors seemed never to do - and express his own insecurities about the guy he had his eye on. And the ending is very touching, and I know many of us have been in that position with the people we've crushed on and waited on...certainly speculating, certainly thinking...but in the end, hoping that they'd want to be with us, too.

Anyway...maybe going too far with it. Either way, I really liked this. I wonder if these guys survived the rest of the Xindi mission to see their relationship through?

Author's Response:

They do! They got sequeled (sounds dirty) in The Way to a Man's Heart.

Thanks for reading! :)

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2013 07:15 Title: Detached Curiosity & Idle Speculation

I loved it when it was on the forums and I still love it here.

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