Reviews For Agamemnon Voyages: The God Particle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Aug 2020 16:09 Title: 50 - Lexington, 2267
Author's Response: The Omega Particle was introduced and featured in only one Trek episode, I believe. That was "The Omega Directive" in Voyager. In that episode it was revealed that a scientist named Ketteract had first attempted to stabilize the molecule in the 23rd century and promptly blew himself up in the process and made a whole sector of space permanently impassible. This story tells us some of the background of that failed experiment and the man behind it.
Date: 27 Aug 2020 16:09 Title: 50 - Lexington, 2267
Well.. I suspect the cell that Ketteract is headed toward is a padded one... How do you deal with a scientist who knows too much? That would be one of the Federation's darker secrets.
I don't remember much about Omega from the series - not even which series it was in. Only that it was mentioned and too dangerous to handle. Which makes it fertile ground to build a story around.
Thanks! rbs
Author's Response: The Omega Particle was introduced and featured in only one Trek episode, I believe. That was "The Omega Directive" in Voyager. In that episode it was revealed that a scientist named Ketteract had first attempted to stabilize the molecule in the 23rd century and promptly blew himself up in the process and made a whole sector of space permanently impassible. This story tells us some of the background of that failed experiment and the man behind it.