Date: 23 Dec 2013 04:31 Title: Act Two
Seems as though Govan is suffering from the affliction known as "youth." I get it, having been there and still finding myself there some days. "Young and stupid" as the phrase goes. He's clearly more confident and definitely has his heart in the right place, but I agree with Andrus: he needs to be separated from the Trill, if only because it's the best for the Trill.
The self-sacrifce angle is a good one for Govan but the flaw in his agrument, I feel, is that he was doing it to save the Trill. Great, the Trill has been saved but if the long-term ramifications are to be considered, it's best that the two be separated. I feel both parties are enamored with one another, Govan with the experience and the Trill with the youth.
The ending of the this particular act seems to indicate that all is not as well as Govan would like us to believe and I hope that Isira and Andrus make the right decision here and separate them. Sure, it won't be popular with Govan, but it's the best for both parties.
Very much enjoying the family dynamics here.