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Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Nov 2009 05:54 Title: Part V: Across the Line - Chapter 4

About the court-martialing of's kind of interesting to think forward from this incident to the bit with Wesley Crusher and the Kolvoord Starburst.  That was an equally reckless stunt, and I wonder if the fallout from that one, in your canon, was kind of determined by this precedent?

GREAT story, and great ending with Barrett.  It really seems to me he must have helped keep them from getting discharged entirely.

Author's Response: I never considered whether or not it would impact the much later courtmartial in TNG, but it could well have. XD Black eye though it is for Starfleet. And thank you!

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jun 2009 21:28 Title: Part V: Across the Line - Chapter 4

Harsh, but ultimately fair.  The most guilty got spanked hard, and Corry and Scotty came away with their careers intact, along with the same double-secret probation handed out by the board in Animal House.

Ultimately, both have learned vital life lessons that they might not have, or that may have come too late otherwise.  Starfleet service is dangerous for almost countless reasons, and the times where you can see the danger coming are greatly outweighed by the ones where it lands squarely in your lap with no notice whatsoever.  These two have had their crucible, and all pretense has been burned away.

Their official records may be bruised, but they're both stronger for the experience.  And hey, Scotty got to be first at something after all...

Author's Response: I figured this was a good answer as to why such a diverse and talented officer as Scotty is would have only made it to Lieutenant Commander by the time he was forty-four. Namely speaking, a big strike on his record early on, and some occasional independent-thinker moves since then. Thanks much!

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