Date: 12 Mar 2022 16:54 Title: Chapter Two
Several things I'm liking about this - starting with the "reasonable" Maquis as opposed to the more unhinged violent ones.
Also liking that Kincaid can sleep soundly. And that he takes Sandhurst seriously.
Quite a fun lot of civilians - so this is what Teams means. And probably something Kincaid is seriously worried about...
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Yes, the neo-Maquis are riven with factions as most movements of any size are. Kincaid's the one trying to fight a 'cleaner' dirty war.
Pava and his team make their transfer to Gibraltar, opening a whole new can of worms for all involved.
Thanks for your continuing patronage!
Date: 24 Mar 2009 18:54 Title: Chapter Two
This cracked me up:
"Denial. It's not just the name of a runabout anymore."
The intrigue builds and the motivations for all aprties involved is becoming increasingly personal. Not a good thing in the end, despite Leone's opinion.
Date: 24 Mar 2009 15:02 Title: Chapter Two
We're getting glimpses into Ariel's motivations here. She sees Kincaid as betraying Krysta and her "family"--probably the most unpardonable sin to Ariel. Pair that with Sandhurst's sense of betrayal at Diaz joining the Maquis and then add in the desire of the Maquis to 'punish' Gibraltar and you have a combustible mix.
Kincaid impresses me as being a decent man who made a stand on principle, but, as the saying goes, he who lies down with dogs...