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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 25 Aug 2020 15:22 Title: 44 - Agamemnon, 2372

Nothing like a clock. I really like the divided screen - something that the various TV series did not use often enough. Probably not because it was too technically challenging but more an issue of that potential being neglected by the writers.

I have a cartoon that has four switches - "All Power to Shields" "All Power to Engines" "Reverse the Polarity" (I don't remember what the other one was - but a common Trek tech trope.)

I'm still betting that black hole will have a role to play before this is all over...

Again - good quick read and clear prose that stays out of the way of the story.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Split screens make a lot of sense, I'm also surprised it wasn't used more frequently in Trek. Of course, nowadays, with group Zoom meetings being the new normal, it's unthinkable not to have the functionality.

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