Reviews For On the Nature of Wind
Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jun 2009 20:07 Title: Part V: Across the Line - Chapter 1
Author's Response: Thanks much! That kind of thing comes up again in the future. And yeah, I think this is probably much more telling than a simulator would be; crossing the line into a much tougher world, and knowing it.
Date: 03 Jun 2009 20:07 Title: Part V: Across the Line - Chapter 1
Oh, hell yeah! A nighttime boarding operation to get those scoundrels. It occurs to me that something like this is what future Starfleet officers need. Facing real life and death decisions onboard these ships is much more telling than hours in a simulator trying to rescue the Kobayashi Maru.
Now, when they encounter danger in the final frontier, they'll have already tasted it and bested it at home first.
After all, the Klingons are not so forgiving as the North Atlantic.
The moments between Scotty and Corry were note perfect. That sudden realization that this is no longer a game was handled deftly and elegantly.
Author's Response: Thanks much! That kind of thing comes up again in the future. And yeah, I think this is probably much more telling than a simulator would be; crossing the line into a much tougher world, and knowing it.