Date: 26 May 2013 16:23 Title: Chapter 3
OMG! Now there's an image that hurts--in more ways than one, I'm sure...;-)
Date: 23 May 2013 13:08 Title: Chapter 3
I would have expected Kirk to ask for Scotty's *biggest* coconut shell! I can foresee the potential for a serious accident if the shells make a hoofbeat clopping noise when he walks!
Date: 23 May 2013 01:42 Title: Chapter 3
Comedy genius. And as crazy, funny and parody like as it is it fits the voices so well and I see the actors playing the characters. With incharacter stuff matched with outofcharacter stuff - from Sulu's oh my to Kirk's thought:
Oh, sure, eventually they'd have to put together a rudimentary form of government (with Kirk at the helm, of course).
This is just amazing. I did say comedy genius yes. And yes, white coat men - yeah she's over here. She put Kirk in a coconut thong.
Date: 22 May 2013 14:41 Title: Chapter 3
YES! Coconut thong FTW!
Date: 22 May 2013 05:47 Title: Chapter 3
Oh, my!
That was awesome. Kirk in a coconut thong ... I know he's working it like a pro. Janice Rand is currently screaming at the top of her lungs, wherever she is, about this.
Date: 22 May 2013 04:55 Title: Chapter 3
Kirk being all agitated because he can't do anything is so him. But it's the bleed over of Shirtless Shatner at the end, wearing a coconut thong, that completely makes this the best thing since sliced bread. I love it.
Date: 22 May 2013 04:22 Title: Chapter 3
And, at the last line, I am now DED.