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Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 May 2013 18:16 Title: Chapter 25


It was nice to see Kane in action again. Once more, the way you can sink yourself into a certain species is inspiring. The way Kane calmly explained everything and took over the station was parts wondeorus and chilling. We all know what the Borg are capable of and what they can do. It was nice to see Kane deal with that thought, that temptation, briefly before having it put out of his mind.

Qwert and his views on the plan were as expected. He was properly horrified though I think, much like me, he was more horrifed at what happened to the Ambassador. The ending was a shocker to this chapter. I did not expect her to meet her death. How is this going to affect Colin? How is this going to affect Sarine (assuming he lives)?

The battle has been brutal so far and things look to get worse before they get better.

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