Reviews For Agamemnon Voyages: The God Particle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Aug 2020 13:58 Title: 38 - Zenith, 2372
Author's Response: If I remember correctly this may have included Maya's moment of weakness. I really liked that scene because it highlights the human side of her and the fact that she hasn't been doing this kind of thing for very long. It's a lot of responsibility that rests on her shoulders and I don't think you can just turn a switch and suddenly be okay with handling it. This stuff comes with experience.
Date: 20 Aug 2020 13:58 Title: 38 - Zenith, 2372
Good description of critical command decisions and good characterizations for Maya and Holly.
I find Hugh's willingness to help interesting - just for a glimpse of Omega... He had to have some designs beyond that. Still, a few dozen borg would be quite helpful in a fight and in a retreat.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: If I remember correctly this may have included Maya's moment of weakness. I really liked that scene because it highlights the human side of her and the fact that she hasn't been doing this kind of thing for very long. It's a lot of responsibility that rests on her shoulders and I don't think you can just turn a switch and suddenly be okay with handling it. This stuff comes with experience.