Reviews For Calculated Risks
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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2013 22:46 Title: Chapter 4

Just remember some advice Curzon once gave you. That sure is people who have absolutely nothing to lose. You and I just make a decision and get on with life.

A word or a couple of words are missing here and that makes it harder to work out the significance of what Jadzia told Sisko, but it's only a little bone I've got to pick with you.

The thing I'm surprised about is that Sisko didn't consider his role as Emissary. He could so easily decree that this is the will of the Prophets that Bajorans can be injected with foreign bodies, in this case blood transfusions. He could so easily do that, though I see why not as it would cause some serious consternation amongst this sect, but surely they would follow the words of the Emissary? But this being season 1 Sisko, I can see why he has not considered this.

Though since Aron's parents, Crag and Katalia, do not refer to Sisko as the Emissary -- as Sisko himself realised -- perhaps the words of the Emissary have less sway over this Bajoran sect?

Author's Response: I guess then, it should say, "Being sure/certain is people with nothing to lose". It's another reminder of how making a decision is easy with nothing on the line, but the real challenge is making decision when the potential gains and losses are considerable. As for Sisko's role as Emissary, this was at a time when he didn't entirely embrace the role and when it had far less significance to the series as a whole. At this time, it's more understandable that some Bajorans would be skeptical of the idea of their Prophets appointing an alien Emissary.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 May 2013 20:03 Title: Chapter 4

Oh, this is a tough pill to swallow for poor Bashir. Sisko's internal debate and thought processes on this decision are spot on. Often in Trek we get commanding officers who face decisions like this and must weigh the pros and cons. Sisko, in this case, has a very big con here and that's the relationship with Bajor. As the CO of the station he is charged with fostering that relationship, not harming it up.

The parents seem dead-set on sacrificing their child to prove a point about their religious beliefs. It doesn't seem they're there to get help at all but rather to use the station/crew to further their agenda ... I find myself hoping Bashir says "to hell with it" and saves the boy. The child doesn't need to be made into a statement.


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