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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2013 22:24 Title: Chapter 3

Clever Bashir giving Aron that egg, since his parent's sect values life then giving Aron something which once had the potential to bear life is a very smooth move indeed. Also -- I forget about when reviewing the second chapter -- but I was astounded to read in the second chapter that this sect refused to fight off the Cardassians. That is truly remarkable and shows just how hardcore this sect's beliefs are, in a time when many Bajorans were casting away their D'jarras, this sect were clinging on ever more firmly to their believes. Thought-provoking stuff indeed!

All the moral complexities of saving Aron's life is classic Star Trek material, but you -- following DS9's example -- made it even more complicated and I like this moral maze which you have created. Though I get the feeling that if Bashir goes through with this and performs the blood infusions upon Aron, then Aron's parents may just reject their son because Bashir broke the sect's covenant; or the parents did by not stopping Bashir from performing the blood transfusions. So the question is this; will Aron's parents be that cold-hearted?

Great story by the way, and you are developing a knack for examining morality and spirituality!

Author's Response: I was actually thinking back to the off-world refugee camps featured on TNG. Where did they originate? Were they off-worlds colonies forced to fend for themselves once Bajor was annexed, did many choose to leave rather than fight the Cardassians, or was it a little of both?

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 May 2013 19:53 Title: Chapter 3

Oh, Julian. You have season 1 Bashir down to a T. His reactions and thought processes are both in line with what he was in the series at that time. I love how in the medical ward he seemed to give the parents religious beliefs a bit of a boost by giving the boy the egg to care for. It was a nice way of showing them that he didn't hold a grudge and that he respected their beliefs.

But once the treatment showed itself as ineffective as Julian knew it would be, his impatience got the better of him. He should have let it play out a little longer, worked them a little more, but he jumped down their throats. I can't blame him as that type of thing just seems so dumb, but the way you portrayed it was how I imagine it would have gone down.

It was nice to see Kira pop back in here and see her thoughts on things ... it seems her end of the episode (this reads very much like a DS9) is the "B" plot.

Bashir and Dax and Quark in the bar was a good scene. The three played well off one another and Dax and Bashir's last exchange reminded me of Kirk and Spock a bit ... it looks like Bashir is going to be using some "cowboy diplomacy" as it comes to the boy.


Author's Response: I thought the scene in the bar was one the best in the story with Quark chiming in on the situation. He often threw his two cents in giving the ultra-conservative point of view. Quark's take is similar the libertarian stance on the recent health-care reform issue and on poverty in general--that being impoverished is a lifestyle choice rather than some people getting the short end of the stick.

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