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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2013 22:06 Title: Chapter 2

Already this sect the Bajoran parents belong to is getting me thinking. I mean they refuse to have foreign bodies injected into themselves and their son. But what about drugs? Aren't the drugs being used to treat the boy a foreign body of sorts? Classic Star Trek right there and already to have this much food for thought so early on is really great! So this story of yours is already shaping up very nicely!

Finally it is nice to see Bashir's counterpart doctor Girani been given some lines and character development! I didn't know her name but I do remember that Bajoran woman being a part of Bashir's staff from season 1 and onwards. So it is a nice touch!

Author's Response: As the opening notes indicated, some of the plot points were derived from an episode of Grey's Anatomy where one of the patients was a Jehovah's Witness. They believe that one's blood is akin to a distinctive life-giving force and another person's blood would contaminate that life force. The Bajoran doctor in this story is the one repeatedly referenced in a Season 7 episode, and is not the same person as the Bajoran nurse from Seasons 1 through 3. And she sure does speak to how diverse a people the Bajorans are, which strays from Trek's tendencies to portray non-humans as monolithic races.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 May 2013 19:31 Title: Chapter 2

Oh, Bashir, you and I are thinking exactly the same thing friend. But I fear he's playing a dangerous game ... as his assistant point out, the treatment is only going to keep the boy alive for a few weeks more and it won't heal him. Bashir is betting on his ability to convince the parents to save the boy's life, but what if they don't?

A hugely ethically challenging dilemma and one that is very much in the vein of the best of Trek. Bashir is written well here, that young season 1 arrogance here and accounted for. His thoughts on the matter ring true to the character, and the chiming in from the rest of Ops is nice, though ultimately unhelpful for him. Sisko will make a pitch too, but I fear this will be all for naught.

This looks to be a good read. Continuing on.

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