Date: 27 May 2013 21:53 Title: Chapter 1
Ah God bless Deep Space Nine! This feels like a DS9 episode, the Bajoran parents who refuse to accept blood donations to save their son because of their covenant, and the young Major Kira -- ill-suited to a bureaucratic job -- looking for a bit of action. The dialogue is spot on and Bashir, Kira and Sisko feel perfectly in season 1 character! So a real treat this story is going to be!
Author's Response: Thanks for commenting. Glad to know the opening is in keeping with Season of DS9.
Date: 17 May 2013 18:57 Title: Chapter 1
Well, this is certainly setting up very much like an early DS9 episode. Bashir and co. are treating a little boy and he does seem very brave. His parents, on the other hand, bug me to no end. I'm with Bashir here ... if you're looking to help your child and coming to him, why reject his method of treatment? Bashir's frustration is palatable.
Very much like Kira's, who obviously has a case of cabin fever. She wants to be in the action and doing something. Kira, over the course of Ds9, grew to understand the role of patience in a command position but here she is still very much the solider that was fighting against the Cardassians. Her method of getting Sisko to let her out was amusing. I'm glad Sisko saw through it too, as it was pretty obvious she was guilt tripping him.
Moving on to the next chapter.