Reviews For Hall of Mirrors
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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Sep 2013 01:30 Title: The Play at the Plate

So we see a crude bit of leisure time in the ISS Defiant and we get to see a bit of that strange sport Mirror Baseball. I like how using none regular front row characters you built on the mirror universe brutal state.

Miller/Madden/Ramirez interaction does seem believable for them in that universe in that position. And Ramirez clearly reminded Miller what would happen if he got caught playing the field behind Hoshi back does seem right. However it also seems a bit of a friendly thing to do and I’m left wondering if the reason that Ramirez point it out, was he intends to chase Madden himself while Miller wonders the corridors reflect on the fact Hoshi is blocking the scoring plate.

Author's Response:

Hoshi's dangerous, and they all know it, but they're also a bit afraid of what would happen if she was gone. These are people who have lived through one transition (her coming to power), so they know that it means chaos.

I hadn't thought of Ramirez being interested in Madden, but that's an interesting explanation for why he's warning Miller off. It's still a hazard for Ramirez to be with Madden, but nowhere near as much of an issue for Miller to do so.

It's a stupid thing for Miller to do, and he faces consequences in the HG Wells short story (it's in Clockworks), Escape.

Thank you for reading.

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