Reviews For On the Nature of Wind
Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Nov 2009 05:37 Title: Part IV: Zero Moment - Chapter 5
Author's Response: Probably, yeah. It was real, immediate danger. And he couldn't send someone else to do it. Thank you, very much!
Date: 12 Nov 2009 05:37 Title: Part IV: Zero Moment - Chapter 5
That was an unbelievably powerful segment right there.
I am also reminded of something you wrote on my behalf during the Round Robin, something I am very honored to re-read now. I remember the scene where you have Gul Berat trying to save Seren's first ship--it feels very similar, except for the fact that Berat was not able to make it in time. Thank God Scotty was physically capable of a better outcome--I suspect many, many people would've been done in by what he attempted.
Author's Response: Probably, yeah. It was real, immediate danger. And he couldn't send someone else to do it. Thank you, very much!
Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Jun 2009 19:54 Title: Part IV: Zero Moment - Chapter 5
Author's Response: Thanks! :D
Date: 03 Jun 2009 19:54 Title: Part IV: Zero Moment - Chapter 5
Gah! Holy shit! Scotty's in the thick of repairs and about to drown, and now we find out those bastards aboard the Queen Mary have been jeopardizing everyone's lives by jamming the comms! Bastards!
This is a white-knuckled page turner if ever there was one.
Author's Response: Thanks! :D