Reviews For History Lessons
Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2010 15:07 Title: Chapter 5 And We Come Full Circle
Author's Response: There is a trigger - I promise. I hope you enjoyed this exercise. Cass is a joy to write - unlike Bill who's been a real pisser. He's damn ornery really. But Cass is very clear cut for me. She's very particular and has a keen sense of black and white and what she perceives as right and wrong. As always MF - thank you so much for reading and commmenting!
Date: 05 Jan 2010 15:07 Title: Chapter 5 And We Come Full Circle
Thank goodness they made up. Cass' faith is restored in her father and all for the better. However, I'm now even more intrigued as to what Cass' tipping point is/will be. Great chapter in their lives and a fantastic insight.
Author's Response: There is a trigger - I promise. I hope you enjoyed this exercise. Cass is a joy to write - unlike Bill who's been a real pisser. He's damn ornery really. But Cass is very clear cut for me. She's very particular and has a keen sense of black and white and what she perceives as right and wrong. As always MF - thank you so much for reading and commmenting!