Reviews For The Puzzle, A Tale Told in Pieces
Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Jul 2013 20:21 Title: Piece 3 - Drink Me
Date: 27 Jul 2013 20:21 Title: Piece 3 - Drink Me
And so the puzzle continues. It seems to be one big test, though I'd not sure of what, except maybe their abilities to cooperate with one another? I like 42753 finding her voice. There are so many different views of the Orion slave trade, from those who say the females are in control, to those who don't. Fascinating stuff, and I hope that wherever she ends up, she finds her freedom.
And now, onward into the puzzle.
Author's Response:
Onward, yes.
I don't like the idea of the Orion women being in control (even though that's technically canon). I kinda get past that by making her unsold.
I just don't think that slavery and sales make for any sort of an equal give and take, no matter how much Trek can sometimes try to tart it up.