Reviews For Hell to Pay
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Reviewer: Gumnut Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Apr 2009 04:09 Title: Chapter 2: Kirk

Obviously the washing beat me to it and I've only now gotten to read this chapter.

Poor Jimmy. Trapped in his own need for human interaction yet subconsciously forgetting that he isn't interacting with a human and shouldn't expect human responses. he knows it intellectually, but there are some aspects of our psyche that we don't quite have control over.

Lovely little point of view from our favourite captain. Thanks for writing and sharing.

(stuck at work)

Author's Response: Thanks, Nutty. That's the problem with our impulsive Jim Kirk - he wants, he needs, and often he doesn't stop to think about the best way to attain that goal, or what others might want or need. He doesn't always realize that what he sees as important or necessary may be perceived differently by someone else. He tends to reflect on the situation after he as already given in to his impulses, and it is often too late to do things right by then. You have explored this aspect of his personality in your works as well, the best example being the ficlet 'Revenge'. All he knows is Spock is hurt and he makes a snap decision as to the cause of it, the need for revenge, for punishment and accountability outweighing logical thought. He neglects to take a moment to assess the situation and discover the true reason behind Spock's injuries. Still waiting for a full story to develop around that piece ;-). Pretty please? Cuppy (my day off but motivation is sorely lacking)

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