Date: 07 Jul 2013 02:14 Title: Chapter 1
Very nice story. Reminded me a lot of the TAS episode 'The Lorelei Signal,' where all the men were smitten and weakened by a race of alien women, and it was the Enterprise's female cavalry to the rescue. The line about the phase pistol was great, but it was the last line that really got me - love that oldie but goodie. ;-)
Author's Response:
Thank you - I suppose it's my romp story. :)
Date: 07 Jul 2013 00:21 Title: Chapter 1
A crew of horny men all chasing after Hoshi Sato. What could possibly go wrong?
Hilarious story which made me think of The Naked Time/Now and Up The Long Ladder, however with a much funnier premise and a better twist.
Author's Response:
Oh, I thank you! This one's an oldie; it's one of the first fan fics I ever wrote. :)
Date: 12 Dec 2012 21:09 Title: Chapter 1
I hate to say it; tokenism..if that is such a word.
Author's Response:
It's very possible. I would have liked to have seen more of an interracial slant to it (after all, that's TOS's legacy in some ways). The only time Hoshi is with a white human is in the MU. The only time Travis is with a white woman is in an alternate timeline or in the 4th season (she's an ex and she turns out to be a spy). Same in reverse - Tucker doesn't get with anyone who isn't white; same with Reed. Phlox's wife is white. T'Pol's husband is white. The captain barely does better - with Hoshi in the MU and with Erika Hernandez.
This is why I write a lot more multiculturalism and a lot more non-white characters. Starships should be nowhere near as pale as this one is.
Date: 12 Dec 2012 16:28 Title: Chapter 1
Yep...I am with bluesman on this. I could really see this on Enterprise. THIS is the kind of character showcase that I wish Enterprise had done more of.
Author's Response:
Oh, thank you! :)
I despised the fact that they got so "Big Three"-centric that the other stars were pretty much forgotten. Mayweather was even more invisible, and it's unfortunate. Why hire people and give them decent billing like that if they're not going to be used? At least in TOS, Chapel and Uhura were not given high billing. It was understood that they were not the stars.
Date: 12 Dec 2012 03:16 Title: Chapter 1
What a cool story. Its light hearted and fun and very Trek. I would have liked to have seen this as an episode. Nice to give Hoshi the spotlight and have everything revolve around her.
Author's Response:
Thank you! This was another oldie - I did love writing the line, "Wanna see my phase pistol?"