Reviews For Agamemnon Voyages: The God Particle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Aug 2020 16:34 Title: 27 - Agamemnon, 2372
Author's Response: Oh yeah, action has to be fast when I write it. I find slow and prose heavy action somewhat counterintuitive. Of course, it doesn't work for everybody but I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Date: 14 Aug 2020 16:34 Title: 27 - Agamemnon, 2372
Good action sequence and a good fast read. I really liked the interaction on the bridge and the sense that Maya is finally getting her captain's legs under her.
Nice transparant prose that stays out of the way of the story.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Oh yeah, action has to be fast when I write it. I find slow and prose heavy action somewhat counterintuitive. Of course, it doesn't work for everybody but I'm glad you enjoyed it.