Reviews For History Lessons
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Jan 2010 14:29 Title: Chapter 3 And Now the Pegasus

That was just ... Picard breaking down and going over that ordeal. It's truly painful and horrible. A violation and one that will never end in his guilt ridden heart. In ways I want to slap Cass for demanding it of Picard and chastising him so, without any real comprehension. But at the same time you can see where she is coming from too. And in many ways, where Beth learned at Picard's feet to be a better person and commander, to be diplomatic to find another way, Cass learned to be more like Picard. To hold a standard and a line. A right and a wrong. It's what makes Picard quite a controversial figure. He had a firm sense of what was right and wrong and even when it pained him, even when it was wrong, he held to that sense. Cass, maybe unfortunately, has inherited that. But I think this experience is part one that might shape her to believe that the side of right and the Federation, Starfleet, are not necessarilly the same thing and might not even be compatible in ways. I love your stuff [in case it ain't apparent] and I'd say it is because it  makes me think in terms of these cahracters and how they view their world.

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