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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Sep 2013 22:37 Title: Before the Fall

Iron Chef off on the Nx-01 what an excellent and innovate idea for a story, as always you did a creative job describing the cooking scenes and the rushing around of the two assistants. The dishes all sound a creative use of almonds. I’m presuming you had to do a bit of research for all six dishes.

I’m glad Lili extra preparation paid off but I’m glad you made it a close run thing, I can’t believe that only three crew members prediction a win for Lili whoever is the Enterprise bookmaker must of clean up on that one.

But of course it was Jay vote on the baklava that gave her the win, still was nice to see the chef Will reaction, when he realize that he be serving later.

Author's Response:

Well, the crew doesn't know her that well. 

Lili's relationship with Will is somewhat up and down. He is something of a tyrant in the kitchen, and he has to get used to the fact that she has a lot more skills than Preston Jennings (and before him, Richard Daniels) ever did, so she's got an opinion on how to do things and he might not necessarily agree to it. On Lili's side of things, she doesn't always keep her mouth shut like she probably should.

Will's laziness is what does him in. If he had spent more time on the chicken dish, he likely would have won, but he rested on his laurels and so, as they say, pride goeth before the fall.

Jay voting for the baklava didn't hurt, either.

PS About the only one of their dishes I have ever actually made is couscous, but I could probably make the cod and the risotto. Risotto is a very slow dish and it requires a lot of attention from the person making it - a terrible choice for a timed competiton. Couscous, by contrast, takes about 5 minutes; you just toss the grain with boiling water or chicken broth and let it sit while you do other things.

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2013 06:49 Title: Before the Fall

Ha! Go Lili! I don' t think Will is really all that deeply bothered, though. Maybe a little shell shocked. Someday, you need to cook for me. ;) I think I might die in good ways, if you and Lili share that in common.

Author's Response:

I am ... okay. I am nowhere near as wonderful as she is. But I do love to cook. Truth is, I am not much of a baker; I botched badly my one and only attempt to make pumpkin pie. Eek, I better learn it!

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