Date: 08 Nov 2014 07:09 Title: Epilogue
Wow, Romulans on Betazed! It's going to be an interesting experience when they attend their first wedding, I expect. Great read!
Date: 26 Apr 2013 03:31 Title: Epilogue
Love this story. Kircheis and the Gallant were awesome, Teelis was a wonderful character, loved the conflict of character and moral with Kelley (though I'm a little disappointed she was "rewarded" in the end...I didn't feel like there was much resolution with her bigotry and more could/should have been done to correct her). I'm looking forward to Task Force Vanguard!
Date: 03 Dec 2012 05:10 Title: Epilogue
Wow, that’s some coda! A fantastic revelation at the end of what was a magnificent story. I very much enjoyed the in-depth look into Rihannsu culture, as well as into the inner workings of the characters.
The character interplay was nothing short of phenomenal, with clashing personalities, viewpoints, prejudices, and all the other baggage that comes with all manner of squishy, imperfect biologicals.
I appreciated the opportunity Kircheis gave Kelley, despite the XO’s having stepped well over the line of acceptable behavior. The captain turned it into a teaching moment, one that will make Kelley a better person, and ultimately, a better commanding officer for her own crew.
A damn fine job by the both of you. I can’t wait to read the next story of Gallant’s adventures!