Date: 08 Nov 2014 05:23 Title: Chapter Three
It's interesting to see how the rest of the crew interacts with Tei. You really see the full gamut of emotions, from distrust to respect to being placed on a pedestal. I am rather suspicious of Kelley right now, though, and I want to know why she is reacting the way she is. She seems to question her Captain's judgement on more than one issue. What is simmering below the surface?
Date: 08 Nov 2014 04:53 Title: Chapter Three
Best lines in this chapter:
"Why didn't you just keep Khnialmnae?" Piggy wondered. "We felt it was inappropriate to keep the name of the House that would execute us if we were ever caught." Grey looked from one officer to the other before pronouncing, "Her story is better. Loved the interplay and the dynamics we saw between the characters in this chapter.
Date: 03 Dec 2012 01:09 Title: Chapter Three
What's bothering Kelley, I wonder? Does she really not like Romulans or is there something more.
I like her explanation for her underwhelming response to being offered a command. Serving on small ships like Gallant, it's almost as if you're in a whole different fleet, I'd imagine and certainly not what new recruits are shown in the propaganda material.